G2. Territorial dynamics: unequal integration and unequal development in a globalised world

Key issues
  • Evaluate the reasons for unequal integration into the global economy.
  • To what extent is the grouping of nations - such as trade blocs - a cause of unequal territorial integration into the global economy?
  • The increasing power and influence of emerging countries is changing the nature of global economic governance. Discuss the validity of this statement.
  • Examine the role of international organisations in globalisation.
  • Governance is the main reason for underdevelopment and lack of integration into the global economy in LDCs. Discuss the validity of this statement.
  • Compare and contrast the success of different strategies in increasing integration into the global economy.
  • Evaluate the role of different actors in reducing global inequality.
  • How far do you agree that the role of the state is becoming increasingly limited due to globalisation?
  • Assess the extent to which locational factors are the main cause of regional inequality within countries.
  • With reference to Britain or France, and other examples you have studied, evaluate the role of
  • the major economic powers in global governance.

Key terms

  • Global Value Chains (GVCs)
  • Core-periphery
  • Emerging nations
  • Global governance
  • Global Inequality
  • International Organisations
  • Least Developed Country (LDC)
  • NGOs
  • Integration strategies
  • Trade blocs
  • TNCs
  • Regional Inequality

Key areas

  • Regions are unequally integrated into the global economy
  • The dynamics of global governance